Ebony Berry - Candidate for Place 2
1. Past Decisions – please respond by February 29, 2024
Although the city council cannot dwell on past councils' decisions and it must move forward, we would like to know if current council members have learned from past decisions, including those made by previous councils. From history, were each of the following zoning case items a good decision or a poor decision, and why?
a) “UV” zoning on Kennedale Sublett Road just east of Kennedale Parkway?
b) “MF” zoning on Joplin Road just south of Kennedale Sublett Road?
In most cases, those who serve on city council are in place based on the results of voting from the citizens of Kennedale. Through these votes, the Kennedale community as a whole, identifies the individual whom we believe is the best candidate for the position. For the 18 years that I have been a part of the Kennedale area, many community events I have attended begin with someone leading in prayer. Most of these events are organized, led by, or approved by these same city leaders which the Kennedale citizens have voted in place.
Well, what does this have to do with whether the “UV” zoning and “MF” zoning were good or poor decisions? I AM GLAD YOU ASKED.
My opening statement is evidence that the city council members are children of God as are those who voted them in place. As a voter myself, it is my faith in God leading me to the belief that these leaders seek to make sure their decisions are sound and that actions executed are determined to be the most beneficial in fostering advancement and growth in Kennedale. Based on my own research and understanding, the goal of the zoning decisions was to help advance the area by providing convenient living in close proximity to local businesses. As such, this then leads to increased revenue and success for those businesses. If the current businesses are successful, it stands to reason that there will be longevity in location and thus attract more business owners to Kennedale. Increase in successful businesses sounds like an opportunity to give residential taxpayers some relief.
So to say whether the zoning decisions were good or bad is not an appropriate way, for me, to communicate my thoughts. Every decision will not always yield 100% perfect results and will NEVER please ALL stakeholders. I believe that the zoning decisions were made in the best interest of the community at the time. What good leaders do is assess the results of the decision to determine which results were favorable and which results call for adjustments immediately or adjustments in similar decisions for the future.
I know that some concern comes from the fear that the small town feeling we have will diminish. I contend that Kennedale is one community under God and together with the efforts of city council, community leaders, and all citizens we can continue to strive to make equitable decisions in zoning as well as keep our small town family feeling for a great future.
2. Property Taxes – please respond by March 7, 2024
Kennedale is the third highest taxing city of the 41 cities in Tarrant County. What are some viable potential solutions to alleviate the tax burden on the citizens? Or is this just something that the citizens of Kennedale must learn to accept? Why?
I don’t claim to have a lot of knowledge about the city taxes, but I do pay attention to some things. One of things I have learned is that more houses or more successful businesses seem help to spread out the city taxes, thus lowering individual residential taxes.
Based on several chats I have seen, Kennedale citizens are split about 50/50 between those who want to keep the small town feel and those who want a more progressive Kennedale. On the other hand, most of us have the same concern about the residential taxes.
Part of the purpose of a city counsel, in my perspective, is to work collaboratively with the citizens to come up with solutions for positive city growth without loosing the feel that brings residents to this area. To do this, we must know what that looks like. In education, when a campus was looking to improve in a specific area, they succeeded when they conducted cite visits to other campuses that were having success with that same focus. The same should work for seeking to improve the tax situation while keeping that Kennedale vibe. What are other small towns doing that keep their taxes reasonable and their city thriving?
I do not believe that Kennedale has to just accept the high taxes. I believe it’s time that city council members and citizens alike begin some REAL IN DEPTH research. This needs to include visits to areas that have the small town feel AND the economic growth; they do exist!! Will it happen over night… of course not… it should be a working progress with visible improvements.
With prayer and trust in God, Kennedale city council and citizens CAN take steps towards finding solutions to fix the solvable city tax issue while holding on to that Kennedale vibe.
3. Moratorium – please respond by March 14, 2024
In January 2023 the council approved a temporary moratorium of applications for MF or TH zoning. Do you agree with the temporary moratorium? Why or why not?
Praise the Lord! I can keep my response to this question sweet and simple.
To me, this question is similar to a previous question. So I stand in my response that there is no reason to agree or disagree... look at the results... were there any positive impacts? KEEP THEM!!! What were the negative impacts? DON'T let it happen again.
I know it seems simple, but for my mind it is. To execute takes time, but the process is a simple concept: Evaluate, Plan, Take Action, and repeat. That’s progress!
4. Extension of Little Road – please respond by March 21, 2024
In August 2023 the city council decided it would issue debt (certificates of obligation) for the extension of Little Road without any voter approval after the discussion all along prior to that meeting was to issue general obligation bonds approved by voters if the project was to be completed. Do you agree with the council's action? Why or why not?
Well, as seen before in my previous answers, I see things very simply.
Ever heard the saying, “Be a man or woman of your word!”. Well in this case it is simple… if the prior discuss was to make this decision based on voter approval… then that’s simply what should have been done. For that to change seems to me there should have been a vote for that too… LOL.
I believe that some ideas fall in the line a basic courtesy; be reliable to your word.
Most decisions for the city should involve citizen input or vote. There are times when a quick decision is necessary and that should be communicated with the citizens.
Essentially, “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?” The key is transparency and reliability. Say what you mean, mean what you say, and act in consistency with both, this is good in the eyes of the Lord!!!
5. Communications – please respond by March 28, 2024
If you receive an e-mail from a constituent on a Kennedale issue logically laid out and well documented, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not? What actions will you take?
Of course I would respond. Seems rude not to. I will admit, it might take me a day or two before I reply, as I know I would need time to research the topic and make sure I respond appropriately.
As far as actions I would take, well that depends on the subject of the e-mail received.
6. Issue – please respond by April 4, 2024
What is the most important issue the city council is currently facing? Why? What are your suggestions for addressing this issue?
The most important issues the city council is currently facing are taxes and infrastructure.
I believe that it has been difficult to determine what type of facilities are needed to help reduce the tax rate for residents without taking away the small town feel for the citizens but also providing growth in our community.
It is hard to provide solid suggestions for addressing the issue without seeing where the current strategies sit and how they were considered and without hearing the voices/suggestions of the citizens. However, small ways could include bring back the Kennedale small business website. This was a positive way to build our community from within. In addition, small business grants for residents might also be helpful, and if it already exist, making it more public.
Where there is a will and PRAYER, there is a way!!