March 17, 2025 Newsletter
March 17, 2025 – Volume 19 Number 11
* EDC to meet Tuesday.
* AISD “starts” possible discussion of downsizing the number of schools
* Various Comprehensive Plan Workshops start Tuesday at the Downtown Library.
Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers
Teachers' Salaries
Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:
City Council grades:
AISD Board grades:
Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD
Arlington is a city where citizens are relegated to being spectators, rather than players on the field. The SPECTATOR helps citizens know what is happening on the field. Only a few of the in-house team members are allowed to play ball in Arlington. The SPECTATOR helps citizens understand the game.
Monday, March 17: St. Patrick's Day.
Tuesday, March 18: EDC Board meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 3rd Floor, 4:00pm.
Tuesday, March 18: Comprehensive Plan Workshop, Downtown Library, 100 S. Center Street, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
Wednesday, March 19: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm. (Work session at 3:30pm).
Monday, March 24: Comprehensive Plan Workshop, Northeast Library, 1905 Brown Boulevard, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
Tuesday, March 25: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)
Tuesday, March 25: Comprehensive Plan Workshop, East Library and Recreation Center, 1917 New York Avenue, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
Wednesday, March 26: Comprehensive Plan Workshop, ACTIV Center, 2061 West Green Oaks Boulevard, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
Tuesday, April 1: Comprehensive Plan Workshop, Southeast Library, 900 Southeast Green Oaks Boulevard, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
Wednesday, April 2: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm.
Thursday, April 3: AISD Board meeting, AISD Administration Building, 690 E. Lamar Boulevard, 6:30pm. (You must be signed up online by 3:00pm if you wish to speak.)
Thursday, April 3: Comprehensive Plan Workshop, Southwest Library, 3311 Southwest Green Oaks Boulevard, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
Thursday, April 3 – Saturday, April 5: Shakespeare Live, Levitt Pavilion, 100 W. Abram Street.
Saturday, April 5: City Shred and Electronic Recycle Day, southeast corner of Mitchell Street and S. Cooper Street, 8:00am – noon.
Tuesday, April 8: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)
Arlington City Council Update
The city council did not meet this past week. Their next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25.
# # # # # # # # # # # #
Election information
The city election has NO candidates, only propositions. There are five bond propositions and seven charter amendments.
Early voting will be Tuesday, April 22 – Tuesday, April 29. Election Day is Saturday, May 3.
The Arlington's Office of Communications stories on the 2025 Bond Election and Charter Amendments by Susan Schrock: (bond)
(charter amendments) .
Economic Development Corporation (EDC)
The next EDC Board meeting will be this Tuesday, March 18. The agenda can be found at:,-2025.pdf .
February's minutes (minutes).
Financial report (report).
Real Estate report (report).
Eligible industries snap shot (report).
SCORE update (presentation).
Arlington Business Certification program (presentation).
EDC Welcome Center update (presentation).
Foreign Direct Investment Strategy (presentation).
Action Items
1. 4th amendment to the espace, Inc., master agreement (staff report).
2. Reimbursement agreement with the city regarding the west airport development (staff report).
3. Center Street Gateway 380-agreement (staff report).
4. 2nd contract modification for office relocation (staff report).
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Upcoming Public Hearings
On Tuesday, March 25, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD21-9 on 0.743 acres at 108 Hosack Street. They wish for a planned development RM-12. It is currently zoned RM-12 and MF-22.
On Tuesday, March 25, the city council will hold a public hearing on Z06-40R2/B06-40R2 to expand the Glorypark planned development to include the National Medal of Honor Museum.
On Wednesday, April 2, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-36 for a planned development a) for single-family on minimum 6000 sq. ft. lots, and b) community commercial for self-storage at 901 Debbie Lane. It is currently zoned for a planned development for single-family on at least 7500 square foot lots. If approved this would go to the city council on May 13.
On Wednesday, April 2, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-37 to allow for short-term rentals (STR) use at 1218 Center Street. If approved this would go to the city council on May 13.
On Wednesday, April 2, P&Z will hold a public hearing on ZA24-11 for “straight” office commercial at 5101/5321 S. Collins Street. It is currently zoned for a planned development office commercial and residential estate. If approved this would go to the city council on May 13.
On Wednesday, April 2, P&Z will hold a public hearing on ZA25-1 for “straight” limited office at 2598 Northwest Green Oaks Boulevard. It is currently zoned for RS-7.2. If approved this would go to the city council on May 13.
On Wednesday, April 2, P&Z will hold a public hearing on ZA25-2 for “straight” flex hybrid at 3000 S. Cooper Street. It is currently zoned for community commercial. If approved this would go to the city council on May 13.
On Tuesday, April 8, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-40 for a planned development for a portion of Lincoln Square.
On Tuesday, April 8, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-40-ASP for an alternate sign plan for Lincoln Square.
On Tuesday, April 8, the city council will hold a public hearing on SUP24-10 for a telecommunications tower greater than 100 feet at 2350 Southwest Green Oaks Boulevard.
On Tuesday, April 8, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD25-1 for a planned development for light industrial at 7505 US 287 Business Highway.
On Wednesday, May 7, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-25 for 1700 E. Bardin Road. They wish for a planned development or RM12 (usually town homes) on 6.29 acres.
???, the city council will hold a public hearing on SUP24-9 on 0.521 acres at 3007 E. Abram Street for a special use permit for a communications tower.
???, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD18-13R1 at 101 S. Center Street. They wish to remove the live-work units’ requirement.
P&Z Commission
P&Z will meet this Wednesday, March 19. The full agenda can be found at: .
The public hearing for zoning case PD24-25 (1700 E. Bardin Road) will be continued to May 7, leaving no zoning cases to actually be heard.
AISD School Board
School Board Meeting
The AISD School Board met this past Thursday, March 13, for a regular meeting (agenda). All board members were present. They engaged in a workshop on district culture (presentation). The workshop may be viewed at: . During the executive session they discussed personnel and potential and pending litigation. The meeting may be viewed at: .
(23:49) Open forum on agenda items. There were no speakers.
There were five committee/staff reports.
(24:19) 1. Financial Futures committee report (report). #1 was a Campus Consolidation Study – downsizing the number of schools. About 35:13 it was opened to comments/questions of board members.
(51:59) 2. Governance committee report.
(57:58) 3. Finance and academics committee report.
(1:00:18) 4. Financial report (report). It was opened to board comments/questions at 1:09:47.
(1:17:12) 5. Campus Needs index report (report). At about 1:40:44 it was opened to board comments/questions.
(1:54:58) Action item. Approve the Board Handbook (handbook). The updated handbook was approved, 7-0.
(1:57:53) Consent agenda. Nothing was pulled or discussed. It was approved, 7-0.
(1:58:48) Open forum for non-agenda items. There were no speakers.
(1:59:00) End of meeting reports.
The board brief by Ms. Fowler may be viewed at: .
AISD Approved Student: Teacher Ratio
After the last regular meeting of the AISD Board, I reported how the board approved student: teacher ratios. Those ratios included an increase at the junior high level, which according to this very good article by the Arlington Report's Drew Shaw, ( ) led to the cutting of 27 positions. Mr. Shaw's articles show the statistics that justify the reduction.
Lawsuit Moves Forward
On Thursday, January 30, Federal Judge Reed O'Connor, threw out five parts, but allowed the other four items to move forward on the lawsuit against the Arlington Independent School District. Drew Shaw of the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report has the article at: .
# # # # # # # # # # # #
Filings for May 3 Election
Voters will get to vote for AISD Places 4 (Wilbanks) and 5 (Chapa). Early voting will be Tuesday, April 22 – Tuesday, April 29. Election Day is Saturday, May 3.
Ballot order:
Place 4 – Wilbanks (i), April Williams Moore.
Place 5 – Chapa (i).
Question 3: Is having the highest teachers' salaries in the north Texas area a good thing? Why or why not?
Place 4
( )
Did not respond.
April Williams Moore
( )
Our educators in Arlington ISD are among the highest paid in the metroplex, yet we still experience an attrition rate of 21.3%. This suggests that there are underlying issues. The culture within our schools and district is suboptimal.
There also appears to be a disconnect between the support provided by the central office and the needs of our campuses, resulting in poor service levels.
I am aware of a teacher who had to submit a field trip request ten times before it was approved. Given that teachers must dedicate their personal time to submitting such requests, it is reasonable to expect a more efficient process. After the second denial, a phone call to arrange a meeting would have been a more effective approach. I aim to address the inadequate service levels that our teachers currently experience.
Our bus staff are also essential to our students. Many would not arrive at school without the bus service. I have had the opportunity to speak with a few drivers whom have dedicated 10-20 years of service to our district, yet they only receive $12 per hour, while new advertisements are soliciting new bus drivers at a rate of $20-25 per hour. We need to reevaluate these salaries and ensure they are comparable to the current rate for this role. It is demotivating for long-serving employees to see their compensation not reflect the current market rate, especially when newcomers with no experience are being offered higher pay.
Place 5
Chapa (i)
( )
Did not respond.
The Arlington Report article by Drew Shaw on the candidates: .
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TEA Accountability Data:
In 2020, the AISD was tied for the highest M&O rate of all the school districts in Tarrant County. Since then, there has been NO tie. The AISD HAS the highest M&O rate in Tarrant County. [school district tax rates]
Top 5 of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs M&O Rates
1. Arlington ISD $0.812800
2. Birdville ISD $0.786900
2. Fort Worth ISD $0.786900
2. Godley ISD $0.786900
2. Mansfield ISD $0.786900
Of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs - Lowest Tax Rates [The rest are above $1.1300]
1. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD $0.923300
2. Carroll ISD $0.961700
3. HEB ISD $0.968900
4. Fort Worth ISD $1.062400
5. Keller ISD $1.085200
6. Azle ISD $1.097900
7. Arlington ISD $1.103500
8. Lewisville $1.117800
9. Northwest ISD $1.117900
Teacher Salaries [Arlington ISD easily pays the highest salaries, creating ISD inflation.]
Other News
March 25, 2025
On Tuesday, March 25, the National Medal of Honor Museum is scheduled to open. Millions of your taxpayer-owned dollars are at work. Many events are scheduled, starting Saturday, March 22. The City's Office of Communications article can be found at: .
City Shred and Electronic Recycle Day
On Saturday, April 5, the city will host a shred and electronic recycling day at the southeast corner of Mitchell Street and S. Cooper Street. The City's Office of Communications article: .
More LGBTQ [unfortunately]
The [woke] Arlington Museum of Art is looking for local artwork by the LGBTQ+ community for its June's Pride exhibit. The Arlington Report's David Moreno's article: . They have received taxpayer owned funds in the past.
City's Comprehensive Plan Survey
The Spectator:
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Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers
Teachers' Salaries
Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:
City Council grades:
AISD Board grades:
City of Arlington website:
e-mails of mayor and council:
mayor = jim.ross
district 1 (north) = mauricio.galante
district 2 (sw) = raul.gonzalez
district 3 (se) = nikkie.hunter
district 4 (west) = andrew.piel
district 5 (central/east) = rebecca.boxall
district 6 (all) = long.pham
district 7 (all) = bowie.hogg
district 8 (all) = barbara.odom-wesley
AISD website .......................
McMurrough............ -
Fowler ................... -
Mike .................. -
Wilbanks .......... -
Chapa ...................... -
Richardson ... -
Haynes ................... -
TEA Accountability Data:
ARC Political Watch Committee Reports
includes coverage of Mansfield ISD and national, state, county, & city
Texas Legislative Online:
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