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Home  ============ Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers ============ Teachers' Salaries ============ Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD Lawsuit ============== Taxpayers' Funds at Risk ============ February 17, 2025 Newsletter ============= Arlington City CouncilGrades ============= AISD Board Grades ================ May 3, 2025 Election ================ David Wilbanks, AISDPlace4 ============= April Williams Moore, Candidate for ==AISDPlace4==== Justin Chapa, AISDPlace5 ================ February 10, 2025 Newsletter =========== February 3, 2025 Newsletter ============ January 27, 2025 Newsletter ============ January 20, 2025 Newsletter ============ ================  Jim Ross, Mayor ============= Mauricio Galante, District1 ============= Raul Gonzalez, District2 ============= Nikkie Hunter, District3 ============= Andrew Piel, District4 ============= Rebecca Boxall, District5 ============= Long Pham, District6 ============= Bowie Hogg, District7 ==============  Barbara Odom-Wesley, District8 ============= Sarah McMurrough, AISDPlace1 ============= Melody Fowler, AISDPlace2 ============= Larry Mike, AISDPlace3 ============= Brooklyn Richardson, AISDPlace6 ============= Leanne Haynes, AISDPlace7 ============= Fact Sheet - November 8, 2022 Election ============ ++++++++++++  ============= Kennedale Observer Homepage =========== Kennedale Missing Senior Tax Freeze ============== Kennedale City CouncilGrades ========== Kennedale Observer - Latest Newsletter ============ Prior to That Newsletter ================ Bobby Goff, Candidate for Kennedale Place 1 ============= David Glover, Kennedale Place 1 ==============P1 Ryon Ray, Candidate for Kennedale Place 3 ============= Amanda Hollins, Candidate for Kennedale Place 3 ============ Ken Michels, Kennedale Place 3 ==============P3 Jeff Nevarez, Kennedale Place 5 ============ James Connor, Candidate for Kennedale Place 5 ============ Megan Burns, Candidate for Kennedale Place 5 ===============P5 Brad Horton, Kennedale Mayor ============ Thelma Kobeck, Kennedale Place 2 =========== Chris Gary, Kennedale Place 4 =========== Kennedale City Council Compare ========== 1083 Bowman Springs Road Kennedale ============ What to Know About the Texas Raceway Project ================ Kennedale EDC MMA contract information ==============


February 23, 2025 – Volume 8 Number 8



* P&Z public hearing on old drag strip on Thursday. Voice your opinions.

* City council approves 3 interlocal agreements for approximately 13,700 linear feet of roadway reconstruction.

* Senior Tax Freeze missing.

* EDC meets on Tuesday.



Monday, February 24: Habitat for Humanity, Valentinos Pizza, 3:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for questions.

Tuesday, February 25: EDC (Economic Development Corporation) meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 27: Coffee with the Mayor, Thrive Coffee, 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Thursday, February 27: P&Z meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 9: Daylight Savings Time begins, 2:00 a.m. (Spring forward one hour.)

Tuesday, March 11: Keep Kennedale Beautiful (KKB) meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, March 11: Parks Board meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Monday, March 17: St. Patrick's Day.

Tuesday, March 18: City Council meeting, 5:30 p.m.


Senior Tax Freeze Missing


Kennedale Observer website:


Latest Kennedale Observer newsletter:


Kennedale Observer city council grades:


City Council Comparison (May2021-May2023 vs. May2019-May2021):



Your City Council

The city council met this past Tuesday, February 18 for their regular monthly meeting. All council members were present. The agenda packet for the meeting may be found at: . The meeting may be viewed at: .

(2:48) Start of meeting.

(4:37) Public comment. There was one speaker.

The six presentations included:

(7:10) A. Oath of office to Fire Captain Joey Craddock,

(11:02) B. FBI-LEEDA Trilogy award to the Police Department (the 21st Texas agency),

(15:17) C. Library, Communications, and Senior Center annual reports (presentation),

(28:10) D. Municipal Court annual report (presentation),

(38:19) E. Finance Department annual report (presentation), and

(49:00) F. Community Development annual report (presentation).

(1:04:30) The reports and announcements included a city manager update on a 380 agreement with MKP and Associates and financial reports (unfortunately the usual monthly financial reports were NOT included in the packet).

(1:16:35) The consent agenda included the minutes from the January meeting (minutes) and the racial profiling and the Police Chiefs Association annual report from the police department (profiling report and other reports). Nothing was pulled or discussed. The consent agenda passed, 5-0.

The six items for individual consideration are:

(1:27:55) 1. Hire Westwood Engineering for upcoming engineering projects. This was approved, 5-0.

(1:29:55) 2. Preliminary study for design and construction of the baseball fields by Callahan and Freeman Architects (survey proposal, $7500 for preliminary design). After much discussion the item was approved, 5-0.

(2:05:22) 3. Amendment #1 for Valley Lane stream bank stabilization ($111,982, staff report, itemized information). This item was approved, 4-0-1, with Kobeck abstaining.

(x) 4. Amendment #1 for the T4 ground storage water tank ($560,896) [evidently removed from the agenda--was in the original packet that I looked at, but not a later one].

(2:11:06) Items 4, 5, and 6 were taken together. 4. Interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for reconstruction of Eden Road S. (Kennedale Parkway to Hudson Village Creek, approximately 3,000 feet) (ILA). 5. Interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for reconstruction of South New Hope Road (railroad crossing to Hudson Village Creek, approximately 7,100 feet), (ILA). 6. Interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for reconstruction of Swiney Hiett Road (Collette Sublett Rd to Joplin Rd, approximately 3,600 feet) (ILA). They were approved with one vote, 5-0.

(2:18:10) The executive agenda includes two main discussion items, legal discussion regarding a code enforcement complaint, and prospective 380 agreements. They reconvened about 3:36:40 and did not take any action on executive session items.

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May 3 Municipal Election

Early voting will be Tuesday, April 22 – Tuesday, April 29. Election Day is Saturday, May 3.

Next week we will start with candidate responses to our questionnaire. Ballot order:

Place 1Bobby Goff, Glover (i).

Place 3Ryon Ray, Amanda Hollins, Michels (i).

Place 5Nevarez (i), James Connor, Megan Burns (write-in).

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Senior Tax Freeze Missing

Back in June of 2023 the city council approved a senior tax freeze. This would be applicable for the city portion of property taxes where properties have a homestead exemption, and the owner is 65 years of age or older. The KISD, the county, and Tarrant County College also have senior tax freezes.

Details of some of the issues can be seen at: .

The city administration has done a MAJOR INJUSTICE to Kennedale seniors by a) writing an ordinance incorrectly and/or b) failing to explain how the ordinance was to start back in June 2023. For example, Fate, Texas, in Rockwall County, implemented a senior tax freeze (with the ordinance written correctly) in August 2023, two months after Kennedale, and their seniors saw a freeze on their October 2024 statements.

However, the situation does generate many questions.

Question 1: Should the city attorney be fired? If it is true, as he claims, that the tax freeze is happening as planned and written in the ordinance, [and he approved the writing of the ordinance] why was the public and the majority of the June 2023 City Council not told the truth which is different from what their expectations were? Should the city attorney be fired?

Question 2: If the above conditions are not true, should the city attorney be fired? If the above conditions are not true, he was very dishonest with the Kennedale citizens. Should the city attorney be fired?

Question 3: Should the city manager be fired? If it is true, as he claims, that the tax freeze is happening as planned and he was responsible for getting the ordinance written to the city council's expectations, should he be dismissed? At the June 2023 meeting he made no attempt to explain that the truth was different from what the council's expectations were. Should the city manager be fired? [Note: it would take four votes on the city council to dismiss the city manager; something I do NOT believe would happen with the current council as it sits today.]

Question 4: If the above conditions are not true, should the city manager be fired? If the above conditions are not true, he was very dishonest with the Kennedale citizens. Should the city manager be fired?

Question 5: What share of the fault falls on the June 2023 council members who thought the full benefit would already have happened by October 2024 statements? Answer: none. They implement policy and the city manager's responsibility is to follow through on actions. You do not want a city council that micromanages. They were trying to do the right thing.

Question 6: What share of the fault falls on the June 2023 council members who claim they knew the full benefit would not be on October 2024 statements? Why did they not explain this at the June 2023 meeting? Why did they not try to get this corrected? Do they belong on the council?

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Last Week

The city council meeting was the only meeting.


This Week

There is a P&Z meeting on Thursday with a pair of potential “big-time” public hearings.

On Thursday morning there is a “Coffee with the Mayor” at Thrive Coffee.

On Tuesday there is an Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Board meeting.

On Monday, Habitat for Humanity is hosting a meeting at Valentinos Pizza to answer questions about their P&Z zoning case regarding the old drag strip.


Public Hearings

On Thursday, February 27, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PZ25-03 regarding a planned development at the old drag strip. The city council will have a similar public hearing on Tuesday, March 18.

On Thursday, February 27, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PZ25-01 regarding a planned development at 409/413/429 W. Kennedale Parkway. The city council will have a similar public hearing on Tuesday, March 18.

On Thursday, February 27, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PZ25-04 regarding a replat at 124 W. 5th Street.

On Thursday, February 27, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PZ25-05 regarding a replat at 110 Caylebaite Street.

On Thursday, March 6, the Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing for BOA25-01 for a side set reduction of 25 feet to 12.5 feet at 708 Corey A. Edwards Drive.

On Thursday, March 6, the Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing for BOA25-02 to allow for an impound storage lot at 1208 E. Kennedale Parkway.

On Thursday, March 6, the Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing for BBA25-01 for the demolition of a single-family house at 6713 Lindale Road.



The next EDC (Economic Development Corporation) Board meeting will be this Tuesday, February 25. The agenda packet for the meeting can be viewed at: .

The agenda includes the financial reports (reports), and two items for individual consideration (an update on the Town Center and an update from CP2 consultants (update)).

Missing from the agenda is the approval of last month's minutes.



P&Z will meet this Thursday, February 27. The agenda should be posted on Monday and include the public hearing on PZ25-03, a planned development at the old drag strip. I tried to contact the planning department, but did not get a return response this week. My comments and information on the zoning request change from 2021 can be found at: Old Texas Raceway property project: . If you have an opinion, let it be known...

There are also three other public hearings scheduled to appear on their agenda. One of those is a planned development in the 400 block of W. Kennedale Parkway, which could also be a very interesting case.


Other News....

TAD Rates

Tarrant Appraisal District has published the tax rates (October 2024) for the county. Kennedale is now the fifth highest municipality. [ ].

Top ten of 41 (everyone else is < 0.65)

1. Everman 1.0260800

2. Sansom Park 0.7796050

3. Forest Hill 0.7240940

4. Blue Mound 0.7220330

5. Kennedale 0.7061900

6. White Settlement 0.6798160

7. River Oaks 0.6758270

8. Fort Worth 0.6725000

9. Burleson 0.6627000

10. Grand Prairie 0.6600000

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Other News

Commentary: One Man's Opinion

I am sometimes asked what someone should be looking for in candidates.

Background. As one critic points out, I do not live in Kennedale. I am in Arlington and very much dislike what Arlington has become. I am certainly not a power broker like some of the money delivered to one of her candidates in the past. I realized after unsuccessful attempts at running for public office in Arlington, more effort needed to be done in educating the public of what was going on. I started the Arlington Spectator.

I worked in Kennedale for over 12 years. In 2016 work colleagues asked me to get involved (water rate issue). In 2018 several Kennedale citizens asked me to start the Kennedale Observer. I try to state opinions based on facts.

How to vote? The biggest one thing I would say is to select candidates that are NOT rubber-stampers. If something does not pass the smell test you need someone who is smart enough and has enough courage to ask more questions and possibly vote NO. Arlington's council is full of rubber-stampers. You go speak in opposition to yet more apartments to further overcrowd roadway infrastructure and you are totally ignored. Arlington has one of the two highest densities in the North Central Texas region, above both Dallas and Fort Worth. These rubber-stampers love apartments and developers. You need to look for council members that will listen to you, your neighbors, and the businesses and place a priority with you over developers' desires.

If you look on the city's website (bottom of this page:,

they try to display the governance model as citizens being on top, electing a city council, who directs the city manager, etc. Well, if the situation has a majority of the city council who are rubber-stampers, the citizens are no longer in control.

In 2019 rubber-stampers removed the 16 units/acre limit for multifamily. Then two months later those same rubber stampers approved multifamily adjacent and towering over single-family homes on ½ acre lots. Ask the Steeplechase East residents.

Kennedale history. Citizens of Kennedale control their direction. In 2017 they voted in non-rubber-stampers. In 2019 rubber-stampers were elected. In 2021 non-rubber-stampers were voted in, only to be replaced in 2023 by rubber-stampers again. Where do you want Kennedale to be in 2025?

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Coffee with the Mayor

The mayor will be at Thrive Coffee this Thursday, February 27 from 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.


Bill Filed to Oppose Part of TAD Changes

(D) Chris Turner filed a bill that will make part of TAD's recent changes illegal. The new bill would require annual appraisals. The Emily Wolf article from the Fort Worth Report can be found at: .

[Commentary: Long-time abused Tarrant County taxpayers try to do something to stop the abuse and to the rescue of the abusing taxing entities comes Chris Turner to keep that fat rolling. Instead of attacking the issue (defined in the article as some school districts will be losing revenues) whereas the problem is (school funding definitions/rules), he would rather keep charging the taxpayer.]



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Senior Tax Freeze Missing


Kennedale Observer:

The Kennedale Observer can be found on Facebook as KennedaleObserver.


Kennedale Observer website:


Latest Kennedale Observer newsletter:


City Council Grades:


Old Texas Raceway property project:


City Council Comparison (May 2021-May 2023 vs. May 2019-May 2021):


The City of Kennedale website:


Mayor and City Council Emails:

Mayor – Brad Horton

Place-1 David Glover

Place-2 Thelma Kobeck

Place-3 Kenneth Michels

Place-4 Chris Gary

Place-5 Jeff Nevarez


Recordings of City Council meetings can be viewed at:



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