February 3, 2025 Newsletter

Home  ============ Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers ============ Teachers' Salaries ============ Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD Lawsuit ============== Taxpayers' Funds at Risk ============ February 17, 2025 Newsletter ============= Arlington City CouncilGrades ============= AISD Board Grades ================ May 3, 2025 Election ================ David Wilbanks, AISDPlace4 ============= April Williams Moore, Candidate for ==AISDPlace4==== Justin Chapa, AISDPlace5 ================ February 10, 2025 Newsletter =========== February 3, 2025 Newsletter ============ January 27, 2025 Newsletter ============ January 20, 2025 Newsletter ============ ================  Jim Ross, Mayor ============= Mauricio Galante, District1 ============= Raul Gonzalez, District2 ============= Nikkie Hunter, District3 ============= Andrew Piel, District4 ============= Rebecca Boxall, District5 ============= Long Pham, District6 ============= Bowie Hogg, District7 ==============  Barbara Odom-Wesley, District8 ============= Sarah McMurrough, AISDPlace1 ============= Melody Fowler, AISDPlace2 ============= Larry Mike, AISDPlace3 ============= Brooklyn Richardson, AISDPlace6 ============= Leanne Haynes, AISDPlace7 ============= Fact Sheet - November 8, 2022 Election ============ ++++++++++++  ============= Kennedale Observer Homepage =========== Kennedale Missing Senior Tax Freeze ============== Kennedale City CouncilGrades ========== Kennedale Observer - Latest Newsletter ============ Prior to That Newsletter ================ Bobby Goff, Candidate for Kennedale Place 1 ============= David Glover, Kennedale Place 1 ==============P1 Ryon Ray, Candidate for Kennedale Place 3 ============= Amanda Hollins, Candidate for Kennedale Place 3 ============ Ken Michels, Kennedale Place 3 ==============P3 Jeff Nevarez, Kennedale Place 5 ============ James Connor, Candidate for Kennedale Place 5 ============ Megan Burns, Candidate for Kennedale Place 5 ===============P5 Brad Horton, Kennedale Mayor ============ Thelma Kobeck, Kennedale Place 2 =========== Chris Gary, Kennedale Place 4 =========== Kennedale City Council Compare ========== 1083 Bowman Springs Road Kennedale ============ What to Know About the Texas Raceway Project ================ Kennedale EDC MMA contract information ==============


February 3, 2025 – Volume 19 Number 5



* City council met last Tuesday; approved UFL deal and six zoning cases.

* City council meets Tuesday for six public hearings.

* P&Z meets Wednesday for five public hearings

* AISD School Board meets Thursday.


Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers



Teachers' Salaries



Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:



City Council grades:



AISD Board grades:



Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD



Arlington is a city where citizens are relegated to being spectators, rather than players on the field. The SPECTATOR helps citizens know what is happening on the field. Only a few of the in-house team members are allowed to play ball in Arlington. The SPECTATOR helps citizens understand the game.



Monday, February 3: Filing to run for school boards continue. Filing runs through Friday, February 14.

Tuesday, February 4: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 10:45am, 2:30pm, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)

Wednesday, February 5: P&Z meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm. (Work session at 3:15).

Thursday, February 6: AISD Board meeting, AISD Administration Building, 690 E. Lamar Boulevard, 6:30pm. (You must be signed up online by 3:00pm if you wish to speak.)

Friday, February 14: Filing to be on the ballot ends, 5:00 p.m.

Friday, February 14: Valentines Day.

Monday, February 17: Presidents Day holiday.

Wednesday, February 19: P&Z meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm.

Thursday, February 20: AISD Board meeting, AISD Administration Building, 690 E. Lamar Boulevard, 6:30pm. (You must be signed up online by 3:00pm if you wish to speak.)

Tuesday, February 25: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)



Arlington City Council Update

The city council did meet last week on Tuesday, January 28. Andrew Piel was absent again. They approved SUP24-8 for the Maverick gas drilling well despite a full room of opposition at the evening meeting. The Hannah Garcia article for the Shorthorn can be found at: Arlington City Council approves new natural gas drilling permit by day care center | News | theshorthorn.com . They are also scheduled to meet this Tuesday, February 4.

Committee Meetings – Last Week

The Community and Neighborhood Development Committee discussed their two main agenda items. There appeared to be only one applicant for the tax credits, The Watson, 1401 S. Watson Road (the presentation says District 1, but it looks like District 5 to me). The Watson is comprised of 82 units in three, three-story buildings that would need to be rezoned and does NOT meet the current comprehensive plan [but that won't stop this apartment-loving city council] (presentation).

At the January 7 committee meeting they reviewed the five matching grants applicants. They accepted three, rejected one, and wanted more information on the last one. They are still looking for more information. Assuming satisfactory results on the fourth project, they will now give away $61,815 in grants for programs that cost $78,574 [78.7% of the projects funded by taxpayer supplied money] (presentation).

The Economic Development Committee discussed the SCORE program and the LiftFund program (presentation), before going into executive session to discuss offers of incentives to business prospects.

The quasi-committee Arlington Housing Finance Corporation met (agenda). A portion of their agenda includes transit of bond/general counsel, out of jurisdiction activity, and project updates.

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Afternoon Meeting – Last week

The afternoon meeting can be found at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/player/clip/5033?view_id=9&redirect=true . Council Member Piel was absent.

(3:38) Start of meeting. They went into executive session to discuss leasing the property at 701 Brown Boulevard, the lease of city property at 1200 Ballpark Way, and offers of incentives to business prospects.

(2:19:44) They reconvened. The first work session item was a FY2026 budget update (presentation). The budget deficit for next year (stated to be $21 million in December) would be decreased to $8.57 million if the plans he discussed were implemented. Questions/comments by council members begin about 3:10:00. The James Hartley article for the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Reporthttps://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/29/arlington-faces-a-21-5-million-budget-gap-by-2026-after-appraisal-district-changes/ .

(3:25:21) The second work session item was a 2024 multi-family housing profile (presentation). [The statistics did not seem to prove anything to me except that there are far too many apartments.] Questions/comments by council members begin about 3:36:06.

(3:37:55) The third work session item was FY2024 MWBE report (presentation). Questions/comments by council members begin about 3:56:21.

The three informal staff reports:

(3:59:54) 1. Pedicab and NEV-for-hire programs (staff report , attachment)

(4:09:29) 2. Panhandling mitigation update (staff report).

(4:12:21) 3. Out of Jurisdiction activity by Housing Finance Corporations (staff report). Recently a HFC from Pecos closed a deal in Arlington causing the city to lose out on tax revenue.

(4:19:15) Committee meetings.

(4:27:26) They discussed the bond and charter amendment election.

(4:29:21) There were no appointments to be made. There was no discussion of evening agenda items.

(4:29:33) A legislative update (staff report).

(4:31:59) Outside agencies reports. Mayor Ross is running for 2nd vice president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

(4:45:44) Future agenda items. A report on possible ways to aid developers on expanded roadway costs.

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Evening Meeting – Last week

The evening meeting can be viewed at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/player/clip/5034?view_id=9&redirect=true . Council Member Piel was absent.

(1:40) Start of meeting. Arlington Baptist University Volleyball team was honored. Minutes were approved, 8-0.

(10:39) The consent agenda saw nothing pulled or discussed. Consent agenda item 7.22 is to finalize the UFL (United Football League) deal, paying them $1.5 million/year for three years to keep this as their operations base for three years (staff report). The agenda was approved, 8-0. The City of Arlington's Communications Office has an article on the UFL deal: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/news/my_arlington_t_x/news_stories/ufl_headquarters .

The applicants of public hearings #1 (PD24-17, 2007 NW Green Oaks Boulevard) and #2 (PD24-30, 7708 S. Cooper Street) received a continuance until February 4.

The applicant of public hearing #3 (PD24-9, 108 Hosack Street) received a continuance until February 25.

(13:49) Public hearing #4 was for ZA24-8 on 6.26 acres at 7005 Calendar Road. They wish to change the current residential estate (RE) zoning to residential single-family 7.2 (RS-7.2) (staff report). It was approved, 8-0.

(18:28) Public hearing #5 is for SUP24-8 on 5.406 acres at 2020 S. Watson Road. They wish for a special use permit for gas well drilling (staff report). There were 30 speakers in opposition. It was approved, 8-0. Nicole Lopez and James Hartley article for the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/28/after-two-denials-arlington-leaders-allow-new-natural-gas-drilling-near-day-care/ .

(1:38:27) Public hearing #6 is for PD24-10 on 9.792 acres at 300 E. Stephens Street for a planned development for apartments (staff report). It was denied by P&Z, but the apartment-loving council voted to give them a public hearing anyway. There are nine deviations. The city council approved the apartments, 6-2, with Hunter and Hogg in opposition.

(1:56:58) Public hearing #7 is for PD24-31 on 0.940 acres at 347 N. Bowen Road for a planned development for light industrial including automotive repair (major) (staff report). This was approved, 8-0.

(2:04:23) Public hearing #8 is for Zoning Case PD24-33 (525 South Bowen Road). They wish for a four-town home development (staff report). There are six deviations. It was approved, 8-0.

(2:13:54) Public hearing #9 is for Zoning Case PD24-19 (410 East Rogers Street). They wish for a 18-unit town home development (staff report). There are ten deviations.

(2:21:56) The first special ordinance is for the selling of water and waste water revenue bonds for $16,585,000 (staff report). This was approved, 8-0.

(2:22:44) The second special ordinance is required for calling the May 3 special election (no districts on the ballot, only a bond election and a charter election) (staff report). This was approved for the charter election, 8-0.

(2:23:15) Citizen participation. There were two speakers.

# # # # # # # # # # # #

Committee Meetings – Coming Week

The first of two committee meetings is the Finance and Audit Committee at 10:45am. They are expected to spend 30 minutes on FY2024 year-end budget report analysis report (presentation).

The second committee is the Community and Neighborhood Development Committee. They are expected to spend an hour on the HUD Action Plan for Plan Year 2025 and the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and 15 minutes on the Housing Tax Credit item (presentation).

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Afternoon Meeting – Coming Week

The afternoon meeting is scheduled to start at 1:00pm and go into executive session. The executive session agenda includes a) a discussion regarding an appeal of a Zoning Board of Adjustment decision, b) a legal discussion of out of jurisdiction housing finance corporations transactions and offers of incentives for business prospects.

The open portion of the afternoon meeting is expected to begin no sooner than 2:30pm. That portion of the agenda includes four work session items and one informal staff report.

The four work session items.

1. Downtown Arlington Business Improvement District renewal (presentation).

2. Socioeconomic profile update (presentation).

3. Comprehensive Plan Update (presentation , memo).

4. Boarding Home Facility Ordinance (presentation).

The one informal staff report is an artificial intelligence update (staff report).

# # # # # # # # # # # #

Evening Meeting – Coming Week

The agenda for the 6:30pm evening meeting includes 18 consent agenda items, six public hearings, two ordinances, and a performance agreement.

Consent agenda item #17 is the Child Care Associates Ground Lease Agreement (staff report). There was a groundbreaking ceremony scheduled for last Friday, January 31, but it was canceled. ARPA funds from the county and Community Development Block Grant funds are to pay for the building. The Arlington taxpayers had to supply the land ($695,000 + closing costs).

Consent agenda item #18 is the FY2025 Neighborhood Matching Grant Awards (staff report).

Public hearing #1 is for a major update to the tree preservation and mitigation section of the UDC (Unified Development Code) (staff report).

Public hearing #2 is for PD24-17, 2007 Northwest Green Oaks Boulevard (staff report). This is for a telecommunications tower greater than 75-feet.

Public hearing #3 is for ZA24-9, 8007 S. Cooper Street (staff report). They desire a change in zoning from RE (residential estate) to CC (community commercial). They needed the same zoning as the land they wish to replat. Supposedly this is so will be a needed parking lot for the next door business.

Public hearing #4 is for PD24-5, 901 W. Abram Street (staff report). The Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report ran an article on this project by Lance Murray at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/14/townhomes-near-university-of-texas-at-arlington-get-go-ahead-from-commissioners/ .

Public hearing #5 is for PD24-26, 6601 and 6881 Silo Road, Troponin Sports/Soccer Comples (staff report). The planned development is for neighborhood commercial uses plus recreation/outdoor uses. The Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report ran an article on this project by Lance Murray at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/13/south-arlington-could-soon-be-home-to-new-arena-for-soccer-futsal-games/ .

Public hearing #6 is for PD24-30, 7708 S. Cooper Street, Wanda Way Cottages (staff report). They wish for a planned development based on RS-5, small lots. The Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report ran an article on this project by Lance Murray at: https://fortworthreport.org/2024/12/31/developer-plans-to-build-new-neighborhood-of-smaller-homes-along-south-cooper-street/ . This case comes down to whether the neighboring houses are willing to accept these tiny lot homes. The claim is if this fails, it will become apartments.

The two ordinances are for calling the May bond election (staff report) and establishing a boarding house ordinance (staff report). The bond election is broken into five propositions, Proposition AProposition BProposition CProposition D, and Proposition E. The total project list.

The performance agreement is with Equinox Hotel, 2700 E. Lamar Boulevard (staff report). The deal pays them $3,250,000 for making another $9 million in improvements. The staff report makes mention of a 10-year agreement, but I am not understanding the 10-year part of the agreement.

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Economic Development Corporation (EDC)

We do not know when the EDC will meet again.


Upcoming Public Hearings

On Tuesday, February 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on updates to the UDC (Unified Development Code) for tree preservation and mitigation.

On Tuesday, February 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-17 on 1.832 acres at 2007 N.W. Green Oaks Boulevard for a planned development for community commercial (CC) including a wireless communications tower.

On Tuesday, February 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on ZA24-9 on 0.237 acres at 8007 S. Cooper Street. They wish for a change in zoning from Residential Estate (RE) to Community Commercial (CC) uses.

On Tuesday, February 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-5 on 0.459 acres at 901 W. Abram Street. They wish for a planned development of higher density RMF-22. The previous PD has expired.

On Tuesday, February 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-26 at 6601 Silo Road. They wish to change zoning from Neighborhood Commercial and Community Commercial to Planned Development (PD) for Neighborhood Commercial (NC) plus Recreation/outdoor, uses with a development plan, on approximately 10.64 acres.

On Tuesday, February 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-30 on 5.195 acres at 7708 Cooper Street for a planned development for residential single-family 5 (RS-5). Since this is a PD, it suggests that they do not meet all the standards; the lots are probably smaller than allowed by RS-5.

On Wednesday, February 5, P&Z will hold a public hearing on ZA24-10 on 0.172 acres at 2015 Loyd Drive. They wish for Residential Single-family (RS-5). If approved this will go to the city council on March 4.

On Wednesday, February 5, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-24 on 6.437 acres at 700 E. Randol Mill Road. They wish for a change in zoning to Planned Development (PD) for Residential Multi-Family-22 (RMF-22) uses. If approved this will go to the city council on March 4.

On Wednesday, February 5, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-35 on 0.0459 acres at 5510 Matlock Road. They wish for a change in zoning from Residential Single-Family 7.2 (RS7-2) to Residential Single-Family 7.2 (RS7-2) plus a cell tower. If approved this will go to the city council on March 4.

On Wednesday, February 5, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-39 on 5.338 acres at 1501 Mansfield Webb Road. They wish for a change in zoning from Commercial to Planned Development (PD) for Residential Multi-Density-12 (RM-12) townhomes. If approved this will go to the city council on March 4.

On Wednesday, February 5, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-34 on 3.436 acres at 1918 & 1922 S. Cooper Street. They wish for a change in zoning from Residential Single-Family 7.2 (RS7-2) to Planned Development (PD) for Light Industrial uses. If approved this will go to the city council on March 4.

On Wednesday, February 19, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD18-13R1 at 101 S. Center Street. They wish to remove the live-work units. If approved this will go to the city council on March 25.

On Wednesday, February 19, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-23 for community commercial with a package liquor store (2574 sq. ft.) at 2425 N.E. Green Oaks Boulevard. If approved this will go to the city council on March 4.

On Tuesday, February 25, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD21-9 on 0.743 acres at 108 Hosack Street. They wish for a planned development RM-12. It is currently zoned RM-12 and MF-22.

???, the city council will hold a public hearing on SUP24-9 on 0.521 acres at 3007 E. Abram Street for a special use permit for a communications tower.


P&Z Commission

P&Z will meet this Wednesday, February 5, for five zoning case public hearings. The full agenda packet can be found at: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/common/pages/GetFile.ashx?key=yZA7AQ1u .

Public hearing #1 is for zoning case ZA24-10, 2015 Loyd Drive (staff report). They wish to change from RE to RS-5 on 0.172 acres.

Public hearing #2 is for zoning case PD24-24, 712 E. Randol Mill Road (staff report). They wish for two existing apartment complexes (184 units) to become a 204-unit apartment complex with many deviations.

Public hearing #3 is for zoning case PD24-35, 5510 Matlock Road (staff report). They appear to want to add a 125-foot cell tower.

Public hearing #4 is for zoning case PD24-39, 1501 Mansfield Webb Road (staff report). They wish to develop a planned development with RM-12 (usually town homes). They are proposing 46 town homes, 20 two-unit town homes and 2 three-unit town homes.

Zoning case #5 is PD24-34, 1918 and 1922 S. Cooper Street (staff report). They wish to change zoning from RS-7.2 to a light industrial planned development (electric substation) on 3.813 acres.

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AISD School Board

The AISD School Board will meet this Thursday, February 6. The agenda should be posted on Monday.

Filings for May 3 Election

Voters will get to vote for AISD Places 4 (Wilbanks) and 5 (Chapa). Early voting will start on Tuesday, April 22. Election Day is Saturday, May 3.

Filings started Wednesday, January 15. The current list of candidates includes:

Place 4 – Wilbanks (i).

Place 5 – Chapa (i).

Student Survey

Drew Shaw of the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report has a story about the AISD student survey at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/29/how-do-arlington-isd-students-feel-about-school-new-survey-details-their-thoughts/ .


TEA Accountability Data:

2023 STAAR Performance

2022 Accountability

2021 Accountability

2019 Accountability


In 2020, the AISD was tied for the highest M&O rate of all the school districts in Tarrant County. Since then, there has been NO tie. The AISD HAS the highest M&O rate in Tarrant County. [school district tax rates]

Top 5 of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs M&O Rates

1. Arlington ISD $0.812800

2. Birdville ISD $0.786900

2. Fort Worth ISD $0.786900

2. Godley ISD $0.786900

2. Mansfield ISD $0.786900


Of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs - Lowest Tax Rates [The rest are above $1.1300]

1. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD $0.923300

2. Carroll ISD $0.961700

3. HEB ISD $0.968900

4. Fort Worth ISD $1.062400

5. Keller ISD $1.085200

6. Azle ISD $1.097900

7. Arlington ISD $1.103500

8. Lewisville $1.117800

9. Northwest ISD $1.117900

Teacher Salaries

http://arlspectator.mysite.com/rich_text_97.html [Arlington ISD easily pays the highest salaries, creating ISD inflation.]

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Arlington Aces LGBTQ Score

The last couple of weeks I reported on how Arlington aced their LGBTQ score. The Fort Worth Report in an article by Cecilia Lenzen reports how Fort Worth did not ace their score this past year (the first time they did not in eight years). Just by not issuing a proclamation... : https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/27/fort-worths-score-on-lgbtq-inclusiveness-dips-below-100-for-first-time-in-8-years/ .



The Spectatorwww.ArlSpectator.mysite.com

to be added/deleted to/from the mailing list e-mail: ArlSpectator@yahoo.com

We can be found on Facebook at ArlSpectator.


Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers



Teachers' Salaries



Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:



City Council grades:



AISD Board grades:



City of Arlington website: www.arlingtontx.gov


e-mails of mayor and council:

.................... first.last@arlingtontx.gov

mayor = jim.ross

district 1 (north) = mauricio.galante

district 2 (sw) = raul.gonzalez

district 3 (se) = nikkie.hunter

district 4 (west) = andrew.piel

district 5 (central/east) = rebecca.boxall

district 6 (all) = long.pham

district 7 (all) = bowie.hogg

district 8 (all) = barbara.odom-wesley


AISD website ....................... www.aisd.net

McMurrough............ - sarahforaisd@gmail.com

Fowler ................... - fowler.aisd@gmail.com

Mike .................. - larrymike.aisd@gmail.com

Wilbanks .......... - david@wilbanksforaisd.com

Chapa ...................... - chapa.aisd@gmail.com

Richardson ... - brooklyn.richardson.aisd@gmail.com

Haynes ................... - haynes.aisd@gmail.com



TEA Accountability Data:

2023 STAAR Performance

2022 Accountability

2021 Accountability

2019 Accountability



ARC Political Watch Committee Reports

includes coverage of Mansfield ISD and national, state, county, & city



Texas Legislative Online:



To be added to/deleted from our mailing list please e-mail your request to: ArlSpectator@yahoo.com