February 10, 2025 Newsletter
February 10, 2025 – Volume 19 Number 6
* Judge moves forward with lawsuit against the AISD.
* City council approves child care agreement and $3,250,000 deal for hotel improvements.
* P&Z met Wednesday for five public hearings
* AISD School Board met Thursday.
Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers
Teachers' Salaries
Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:
City Council grades:
AISD Board grades:
Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD
Arlington is a city where citizens are relegated to being spectators, rather than players on the field. The SPECTATOR helps citizens know what is happening on the field. Only a few of the in-house team members are allowed to play ball in Arlington. The SPECTATOR helps citizens understand the game.
Monday, February 10: Filing to run for school board positions continues. Filing runs through Friday, February 14.
Friday, February 14: Filing to be on the ballot ends, 5:00 p.m.
Friday, February 14: Valentines Day.
Monday, February 17: Presidents Day holiday.
Wednesday, February 19: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm.
Thursday, February 20: AISD Board meeting, AISD Administration Building, 690 E. Lamar Boulevard, 6:30pm. (You must be signed up online by 3:00pm if you wish to speak.)
Tuesday, February 25: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)
Tuesday, March 4: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)
Wednesday, March 5: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm.
Arlington City Council Update
The city council did meet last week on Tuesday, February 4. Council Member Piel arrived late. Their next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 25.
City Hall Protests
There were protests at city hall on Sunday, February 2 over President Trump’s immigration executive orders. An article by Pedro Malkomes of the Shorthorn is at: https://www.theshorthorn.com/news/arlington-residents-protest-president-donald-trumps-executive-orders-on-immigration/article_21191574-e358-11ef-95c4-5f2630db553a.html .
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Committee Meetings
The Finance and Audit Committee discussed the FY2024 year-end budget report analysis report (presentation , business plan).
The Community and Neighborhood Development Committee discussed HUD Action Plan for Plan Year 2025 and the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan (presentation) and the Housing Tax Credit item (presentation). The matching grant program was scheduled to be passed at the evening meeting.
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Afternoon Meeting
The afternoon meeting can be found at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/player/clip/5036?view_id=9&redirect=true . Council Member Piel did appear for the open portion of the agenda.
(4:06) Start of meeting. They went into executive session to discuss a) a discussion regarding an appeal of a) a Zoning Board of Adjustment decision, b) a legal discussion of out of jurisdiction housing finance corporations transactions and c) offers of incentives for business prospects.
They reconvened in open session. Mr. Piel finally decided to attend. The four work session items:
(2:03:29) 1. Downtown Arlington Business Improvement District renewal (presentation). They are about to go out to a vote of its members to continue collecting their fee. The PID (Public Improvement District) was originally a five-year term in 2010. They renewed for ten years in 2015, now expiring. The fee (not a tax) works out to a $0.165 to $0.17 tax rate increase over the next five years. It was opened up to the council discussion at 2:20:27.
(2:23:43) 2. Socioeconomic profile update (presentation). Average home sale price went down slightly [so in other words, are the TAD board's actions actually saving money for the city?]. It was opened up to the council discussion at 2:34:33.
(2:36:17) 3. Comprehensive Plan Update (presentation , memo). They agreed upon a name, Innovate Arlington. There was a James Hartley article of the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/02/05/innovate-arlington-council-approves-name-for-long-range-plan-to-strategize-for-citys-future-2/ .
(2:49:25) 4. Boarding Home Facility Ordinance (presentation). It was opened up to the council discussion at 2:55:30.
(2:57:03) The one informal staff report is an artificial intelligence update (staff report).
(3:05:39) Committee meetings.
(3:12:55) They discussed the bond and charter amendment election.
(3:13:32) A legislative update.
(3:19:29) Evening agenda items. There were no appointments to be made. The Child Care Advocates agreement and the tree and mitigation items were discussed. The 10.6 public hearing (Wanda Way Cottages) had changes that were also discussed
(3:38:40) Outside agencies’ reports.
(3:42:21) Future agenda items. A request was made for a report for a large fire protection fee increase.
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Evening Meeting
The evening meeting can be viewed at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/player/clip/5037?view_id=9&redirect=true . All council members were present.
(4:21) Start of meeting.
(8:19) The consent agenda saw nothing pulled or discussed. There was one speaker in support of item #15, a forensic sciences grant (staff report). The consent agenda was approved, 9-0.
Consent agenda item #17 was the Child Care Associates Ground Lease Agreement (staff report). There was a groundbreaking ceremony scheduled for last Friday, January 31, but it was canceled. ARPA funds from the county and Community Development Block Grant funds are to pay for the building. The Arlington taxpayers had to supply the land ($695,000 + closing costs). Drew Shaw wrote an article for the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/30/arlington-child-care-center-groundbreaking-delayed-amid-proposed-federal-spending-halt/ .
Consent agenda item #18 was the FY2025 Neighborhood Matching Grant Awards (staff report).
(13:49) Public hearing #1 was for a major update to the tree preservation and mitigation section of the UDC (Unified Development Code) (staff report). There were two speakers in support. It passed, 9-0.
(30:46) Public hearing #2 was for PD24-17, 2007 Northwest Green Oaks Boulevard (staff report). This was for a telecommunications tower greater than 75-feet. It was approved, 9-0.
(35:08) Public hearing #3 was for ZA24-9, 8007 S. Cooper Street (staff report). They desire a change in zoning from RE (residential estate) to CC (community commercial). They needed the same zoning as the land they wish to replat. Supposedly this is so there will be a needed parking lot for the next door business. It was approved, 9-0.
(37:45) Public hearing #4 was for PD24-5, 901 W. Abram Street (staff report). It was approved, 9-0. The Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report ran an article on this project by Lance Murray at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/14/townhomes-near-university-of-texas-at-arlington-get-go-ahead-from-commissioners/ .
(42:30) Public hearing #5 was for PD24-26, 6601 and 6881 Silo Road, Troponin Sports/Soccer Complex (staff report). The planned development is for neighborhood commercial uses plus recreation/outdoor uses. It was approved, 9-0. The Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report ran an article on this project by Lance Murray at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/13/south-arlington-could-soon-be-home-to-new-arena-for-soccer-futsal-games/ .
(52:44) Public hearing #6 was for PD24-30, 7708 S. Cooper Street, Wanda Way Cottages (staff report). They wish for a planned development based on RS-5, small lots. There were two speakers in opposition. This case comes down to whether the neighboring houses are willing to accept these tiny lot homes. The claim is if this fails, it will become apartments. The motion was made to continue the public hearing for more information. The continuation passed, 7-2, with Ross and Piel in opposition. The Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report ran an article on this project by Lance Murray at: https://fortworthreport.org/2024/12/31/developer-plans-to-build-new-neighborhood-of-smaller-homes-along-south-cooper-street/ .
(1:35:39) The two ordinances were for calling the May bond election (staff report) and establishing a boarding house ordinance (staff report). The bond election is broken into five propositions, Proposition A, Proposition B, Proposition C, Proposition D, and Proposition E. The total project list . The two ordinances passed with two 9-0 votes. Susan Schrock of the city's communications department has an article on the bond election at: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/news/my_arlington_t_x/news_stories/2025_bond_election . She also has a similar article on the charter amendments: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/news/my_arlington_t_x/news_stories/2025_charter_election .
(1:38:34) The performance agreement was with Equinox Hotel, 2700 E. Lamar Boulevard (staff report). The deal pays them $3,250,000 to make another $9 million in improvements. The staff report mentions a 10-year agreement, but I am not understanding the 10-year part of the agreement. It was approved, 9-0.
(1:40:12) Citizen participation. There were four speakers. The first two speakers spoke on the homeless. The third and fourth speakers did not clearly identify their subjects.
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Economic Development Corporation (EDC)
We do not know when the EDC will meet again.
Upcoming Public Hearings
On Wednesday, February 19, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD18-13R1 at 101 S. Center Street. They wish to remove the live-work units. If approved this will go to the city council on March 25.
On Wednesday, February 19, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-23 for community commercial with a package liquor store (2574 sq. ft.) at 2425 N.E. Green Oaks Boulevard. If approved this will go to the city council on March 4.
On Tuesday, February 25, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD21-9 on 0.743 acres at 108 Hosack Street. They wish for a planned development RM-12. It is currently zoned RM-12 and MF-22.
On Tuesday, March 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on ZA24-10 on 0.172 acres at 2015 Loyd Drive. They wish for Residential Single-family (RS-5).
On Tuesday, March 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-24 on 6.437 acres at 700 E. Randol Mill Road. They wish for a change in zoning to Planned Development (PD) for Residential Multi-Family-22 (RMF-22) uses.
On Tuesday, March 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-35 on 0.0459 acres at 5510 Matlock Road. They wish for a change in zoning from Residential Single-Family 7.2 (RS7-2) to Residential Single-Family 7.2 (RS7-2) plus a cell tower.
On Tuesday, March 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-39 on 5.338 acres at 1501 Mansfield Webb Road. They wish for a change in zoning from Commercial to Planned Development (PD) for Residential Multi-Density-12 (RM-12) townhomes.
On Tuesday, March 4, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-34 on 3.436 acres at 1918 and 1922 S. Cooper Street. They wish for a change in zoning from Residential Single-Family 7.2 (RS7-2) to Planned Development (PD) for Light Industrial uses.
???, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-30 on 5.195 acres at 7708 Cooper Street for a planned development for residential single-family 5 (RS-5). Since this is a PD, it suggests that they do not meet all the standards; the lots are probably smaller than allowed by RS-5.
???, the city council will hold a public hearing on SUP24-9 on 0.521 acres at 3007 E. Abram Street for a special use permit for a communications tower.
P&Z Commission
P&Z met this past Wednesday, February 5, for five zoning case public hearings. The full agenda packet can be found at: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/common/pages/GetFile.ashx?key=yZA7AQ1u . The meeting may be viewed at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/player/clip/5041?view_id=10&redirect=true .
(2:40) Public hearing #1 was for zoning case ZA24-10, 2015 Loyd Drive (staff report). They wish to change from RE to RS-5 on 0.172 acres. This was approved, 8-0.
(9:40) Public hearing #2 was for zoning case PD24-24, 712 E. Randol Mill Road (staff report). They wish for two existing apartment complexes (184 units) to become a 204-unit apartment complex with many deviations. The work/improvements will be done on the northern units. Improvements will be to the inside of the buildings, converting 20 three-bedroom units into two-bedroom units plus an efficiency. This was approved, 7-1.
(49:57) Public hearing #3 was for zoning case PD24-35, 5510 Matlock Road (staff report). They appear to want to add a 125-foot cell tower. This was approved, 8-0.
(1:00:57) Public hearing #4 was for zoning case PD24-39, 1501 Mansfield Webb Road (staff report). They wish to develop a planned development with RM-12 (usually town homes). They are proposing 46 town homes, 20 two-unit town homes and 2 three-unit town homes. It was approved, 8-0.
(1:41:27) Zoning case #5 was PD24-34, 1918 and 1922 S. Cooper Street (staff report). They wish to change zoning from RS-7.2 to a light industrial planned development (electric substation) on 3.813 acres. It was approved, 7-1.
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AISD School Board
Lawsuit Moves Forward
On Thursday, January 30, Federal Judge Reed O'Connor, threw out five parts, but allowed the other four items to move forward on the lawsuit against the Arlington Independent School District. Drew Shaw of the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report has the article at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/31/federal-judge-allows-lawsuit-against-arlington-isd-to-move-forward-dismisses-parts/ .
AISD Communications Survey
The AISD has a communications survey on its website that will run through this Friday, February 14. It can be found at: https://survey.k12insight.com/survey/form?k=SsWWXPsUYXsPsPsP&lang=0 .
School Board Meeting
The AISD School Board met this past Thursday, February 6. All board members were present. There was a workshop at 5:00pm on Marketing and Engagement (workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHRNCcNA-N0 .) The meeting may be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAcPwnSyMn4 .
Executive session included 1) personnel, including new hires, retirements, resignations, leaves of absence, dismissals, terminations, non-renewals, non-extensions, and evaluation, 2) consult attorney regarding potential and pending litigation, 3) consider the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel and devices, 4) intruder detection audit finding(s), and 5) security update.
(:08) Reconvene in open session.
(19:52) Three appointments, approved, 7-0.
Assistant Superintendent of Financial Services – Norberto Rivas
Assistant Principal for Arlington College and Career High School – Juan Espinosa
Assistant Principal for Swift Elementary – Kehsa Harry
(26:53) No citizen speakers on agenda or non-agenda items.
(27:11) Reports. 1. The Leader in me (12 campuses). Board discussion/questions started at about 50:20.
(51:54) Public hearing on TAPR Texas Academic Performance Report. In general, AISD fell into similar categories as the rest of the county. Board discussion/questions started at about 1:04:30. There were no public speakers.
(1:04:55) Reports 2. Project Search Report. The goal is to get seven students interim positions at Arlington Memorial. Board discussion/questions started at about 1:13:05.
Action items.
(1:13:46) 1. Issue tax bonds. Board discussion/questions started at about 1:20:24. This was approved, 7-0.
(1:22:25) 2. Consider Targeted Improvement Plans. Board approval required by the TEA. Board discussion/questions started at about 1:38:02. It was approved, 7-0.
(1:49:51) 3. Order a May 3 School Board election. It was approved, 7-0.
(1:50:47) Consent agenda. Nothing was pulled. Nothing was discussed. It was approved, 7-0.
(1:51:22) End of meeting reports.
Board Member Richardson did a Board Brief of the meeting at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k51KkpYzdW0 .
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Filings for May 3 Election
Voters will get to vote for AISD Places 4 (Wilbanks) and 5 (Chapa). Early voting will start on Tuesday, April 22. Election Day is Saturday, May 3.
Filings started Wednesday, January 15. The current list of candidates includes:
Place 4 – Wilbanks (i), April Williams Moore.
Place 5 – Chapa (i).
Basically, both incumbents have filed and only one challenger, April Williams Moore, who ran unsuccessfully for Place 3 last year.
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Student Survey
Drew Shaw of the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report has a story about the AISD student survey at: https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/29/how-do-arlington-isd-students-feel-about-school-new-survey-details-their-thoughts/ .
TEA Accountability Data:
In 2020, the AISD was tied for the highest M&O rate of all the school districts in Tarrant County. Since then, there has been NO tie. The AISD HAS the highest M&O rate in Tarrant County. [school district tax rates]
Top 5 of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs M&O Rates
1. Arlington ISD $0.812800
2. Birdville ISD $0.786900
2. Fort Worth ISD $0.786900
2. Godley ISD $0.786900
2. Mansfield ISD $0.786900
Of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs - Lowest Tax Rates [The rest are above $1.1300]
1. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD $0.923300
2. Carroll ISD $0.961700
3. HEB ISD $0.968900
4. Fort Worth ISD $1.062400
5. Keller ISD $1.085200
6. Azle ISD $1.097900
7. Arlington ISD $1.103500
8. Lewisville $1.117800
9. Northwest ISD $1.117900
Teacher Salaries
http://arlspectator.mysite.com/rich_text_97.html [Arlington ISD easily pays the highest salaries, creating ISD inflation.]
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Arlington Aces LGBTQ Score
The last couple of weeks I reported on how Arlington aced their LGBTQ score. The Fort Worth Report in an article by Cecilia Lenzen reports how Fort Worth did not ace their score this past year (the first time they did not in eight years) just by not issuing a proclamation... : https://fortworthreport.org/2025/01/27/fort-worths-score-on-lgbtq-inclusiveness-dips-below-100-for-first-time-in-8-years/ .
[In Arlington, the council does NOT vote on proclamations. Mayor [dictator] Ross has decided he alone will decide if proclamations will be issued (as in this case it was). This is definitely something to think about when you cast your vote for mayor in May 2026.]
The Spectator: www.ArlSpectator.mysite.com
to be added/deleted to/from the mailing list e-mail: ArlSpectator@yahoo.com
We can be found on Facebook at ArlSpectator.
Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers
Teachers' Salaries
Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:
City Council grades:
AISD Board grades:
City of Arlington website: www.arlingtontx.gov
e-mails of mayor and council:
.................... first.last@arlingtontx.gov
mayor = jim.ross
district 1 (north) = mauricio.galante
district 2 (sw) = raul.gonzalez
district 3 (se) = nikkie.hunter
district 4 (west) = andrew.piel
district 5 (central/east) = rebecca.boxall
district 6 (all) = long.pham
district 7 (all) = bowie.hogg
district 8 (all) = barbara.odom-wesley
AISD website ....................... www.aisd.net
McMurrough............ - sarahforaisd@gmail.com
Fowler ................... - fowler.aisd@gmail.com
Mike .................. - larrymike.aisd@gmail.com
Wilbanks .......... - david@wilbanksforaisd.com
Chapa ...................... - chapa.aisd@gmail.com
Richardson ... - brooklyn.richardson.aisd@gmail.com
Haynes ................... - haynes.aisd@gmail.com
TEA Accountability Data:
ARC Political Watch Committee Reports
includes coverage of Mansfield ISD and national, state, county, & city
Texas Legislative Online:
To be added to/deleted from our mailing list please e-mail your request to: ArlSpectator@yahoo.com