May 3, 2025 Election - Information on the Candidates

Home  ============ Open Letter to AISD Taxpayers ============ Teachers' Salaries ============ Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD Lawsuit ============== Taxpayers' Funds at Risk ============ March 31, 2025 Newsletter ============= Arlington City CouncilGrades ============= AISD Board Grades ================ May 3, 2025 Election ================ David Wilbanks, AISDPlace4 ============= April Williams Moore, Candidate for ==AISDPlace4==== Justin Chapa, AISDPlace5 ================ March 24, 2025 Newsletter ============ March 17, 2025 Newsletter ============ March 10, 2025 Newsletter =========== March 3, 2025 Newsletter ============ ================  Jim Ross, Mayor ============= Mauricio Galante, District1 ============= Raul Gonzalez, District2 ============= Nikkie Hunter, District3 ============= Andrew Piel, District4 ============= Rebecca Boxall, District5 ============= Long Pham, District6 ============= Bowie Hogg, District7 ==============  Barbara Odom-Wesley, District8 ============= Sarah McMurrough, AISDPlace1 ============= Melody Fowler, AISDPlace2 ============= Larry Mike, AISDPlace3 ============= Brooklyn Richardson, AISDPlace6 ============= Leanne Haynes, AISDPlace7 ============= Fact Sheet - November 8, 2022 Election ============ ++++++++++++  ============= Kennedale Observer Homepage =========== Kennedale Missing Senior Tax Freeze ============== Kennedale City CouncilGrades ========== Kennedale Observer - Latest Newsletter ============ Prior to That Newsletter ================ Bobby Goff, Candidate for Kennedale Place 1 ============= David Glover, Kennedale Place 1 ==============P1 Ryon Ray, Candidate for Kennedale Place 3 ============= Amanda Hollins, Candidate for Kennedale Place 3 ============ Ken Michels, Kennedale Place 3 ==============P3 Jeff Nevarez, Kennedale Place 5 ============ James Connor, Candidate for Kennedale Place 5 ============ Megan Burns, Candidate for Kennedale Place 5 ===============P5 Brad Horton, Kennedale Mayor ============ Thelma Kobeck, Kennedale Place 2 =========== Chris Gary, Kennedale Place 4 =========== Kennedale City Council Compare ========== 1083 Bowman Springs Road Kennedale ============ What to Know About the Texas Raceway Project ================ Kennedale EDC MMA contract information ==============

Saturday, May 3, 2025 is election day. Arlington voters will be voting for five bond proposals (over $200 million) after having already approving $278,285,000 just two years ago, and several propositions for charter amendments. There are no city office holders on the ballot since three-year terms were approved. AISD voters will have Place 4 (incumbent and one challenger), and Place 5 (incumbent only) on the ballot.



Early voting is from Tuesday, April 22 - Tuesday, April 29.


City Election:


The city election has NO candidates, only propositions. There are five bond propositions and seven charter amendments.

The Arlington's Office of Communications stories on the 2025 Bond Election and Charter Amendments by Susan Schrock: (bond)

(charter amendments) .



AISD Filings:

Place 4:   David Wilbanks     April Williams Moore

Place 5:   Justin Chapa


These are the questions that have been sent to the candidates for the AISD:


1. Taxpayers' Dollars – please respond by February 27, 2025

Currently the AISD has the highest M&O rate of any ISD in Tarrant County. Staff has started budgeting for the paying of recapture (“Robin Hood”). How fiscally responsible should the board be with taxpayers' dollars and why? How high of a priority should fiscal responsibility be and why? What are your suggestions to be more fiscally responsible?



2. Transgender – please respond by March 6, 2025

Which locker rooms/restrooms, etc., should transgender students be using? Should there be a District policy? Why or why not?



3. Teachers' Salaries – please respond by March 13, 2025

Is having the highest teachers' salaries in the north Texas area a good thing? Why or why not?



4. Student Achievement Goals – please respond by March 20, 2025

The district has performance improvement plans where the goals are for less than 50% of the students meeting or exceeding grade level expectations on the state achievement assessments. Is this acceptable? Why or why not? What are your suggestions regarding student achievement goal plans?



5. Communications – please respond by March 27, 2025

If you receive an e-mail from a constituent on an AISD issue and the constituent logically laid out and well documented the issue, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not? What actions will you take?



6. Issues – please respond by April 3, 2025

What is the most important issue the board is currently facing? Why? What are your suggestions for addressing this issue?






We have given every opportunity for you to make your decision on who to vote for in this election. However, some still wish for our analysis. Our analysis follows at a later date: