Ryon Ray, Candidate for Kennedale Place 3
1. Past Decisions – please respond by February 27, 2025
Although the city council cannot dwell on past councils' decisions and it must move forward, we would like to know if current council members have learned from past decisions, including those made by previous councils. From history, were each of the following zoning case items a good decision or a poor decision, and why?
a) “UV” zoning on Kennedale Sublett Road just east of Kennedale Parkway?
b) “MF” zoning on Joplin Road just south of Kennedale Sublett Road?
Based off the yet to be officially updated and published UDC (Unified Development Code) which our city updated and adopted in 2021, and is currently working from, it now includes a grand total of 24 DIFFERENT zoning classifications for a City of 10,000 people. In my opinion this is ridiculous and simply creates questions by citizens, misinterpretations by many and unfortunately loopholes for developers and others.
I am not going to go back in time and reevaluate every decision made by past or current city leadership but I will state that if elected I would place effort in consolidating this current zoning classification to be shorter so that all citizens have a better ability to comprehend the available options and therefore be a larger part in the conversation of what happens to our city moving forward as part of our long term comprehensive master plan that the city has adopted as of late last year.
2. Property Taxes – please respond by March 6, 2025
Kennedale is the fifth highest taxing city of the 41 cities in Tarrant County. What are some viable potential solutions to alleviate the tax burden on the citizens or is this just something that the citizens of Kennedale must learn to accept? Why?
Can we reduce property taxes? Definitely. How? Kennedale must grow its tax base (Tax base and/or Annual Revenue = Property tax + Sales Tax + Misc Income). In 2024 property tax made up 54% of our general revenue fund while sales tax made up only 20% and the remaining 26% of our general revenue fund came from "Other" funds including permits, impact fees, citations, other. Our property tax revenue as a percentage of our overall revenue has DECREASED 5% in the last 36 months while our sales tax revenue has remained relatively flat. Compare this to other local cities.
Total property taxes are calculated by combining the county tax rate + city tax rate + school tax rate. The City of Kennedale has the 31st highest city tax rate within Tarrant County out of 34 cities. Important note though is that the City of Kennedale has only the 7th highest school tax rate out of the 15 school districts within Tarrant County. Based off of the 2024 tax rate schedule, I share the following breakdown:
Total Kennedale Property Tax (100%)
County rate represents 9%
City rate represents 35%
KISD rate represents 56%
If the citizens of Kennedale wish to decrease their property taxes WHILE sustaining or more importantly increasing city infrastructure and services to meet our desires – We must be able to increase our annual tax base (annual revenue). This can definitely be done but we must be strategic in these efforts as our opportunities for growth are limited but necessary.
Without the numerous tax exemptions considered and truly trying to keep this response simple, the average homeowner within the City of Kennedale at a median value of $356,300 will pay $7,229 in property taxes. Yes, we can do better but it will take time, strategic growth and long term leadership.
3. Senior Tax Freeze – please respond by March 13, 2025
Back in June of 2023 the city council approved a senior tax freeze. Details of some of the issues can be seen at: http://arlspectator.mysite.com/blank_7.html . What is your opinion of the actions of:
a) the city attorney?
b) the city manager?
c) the June 2023 City Council?
Why do you hold these opinions (what supports your viewpoint)?
Did not respond.
4. EDC Grant for Community Garden – please respond by March 20, 2025
The EDC (Economic Development Corporation) awards grants to spur business growth with the idea being that helping a business expand will help generate more revenue for the city, thus paying for the grant and more in several years.
In July 2024 the EDC (with three council members serving on the EDC) approved a grant of $24,300 for a community garden. Thankfully, several months later the EDC came up with much improved guidelines/requirements for issuing the grants. What are your thoughts on using grant money, meant to spur business activity and leading to more city revenue, on a community garden?
Did not respond.
5. Communications – please respond by March 27, 2025
If you receive an e-mail from a constituent on a Kennedale issue logically laid out and well documented, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not? What actions will you take?
Of course. That is part of the elected position. An unanswered email or correspondence only creates negativity and further escalation. People want and deserved to be listened to no matter if I agree or disagree with a position. A response creates trust and collaboration to a potential resolution if needed. If I am asked a question that falls outside my scope I will respond with an appropriate introduction to the City Staff member who can respond accordingly and then will follow up with appropriate time to ensure communications have been made. Every opportunity to interact with a citizen should be approached as a positive opportunity.
6. Issue – please respond by April 3, 2025
What is the most important issue the city council is currently facing? Why? What are your suggestions for addressing this issue?