Ignacio Nunez, Candidate for District 5

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1. Term Limits – please respond by March 14, 2019

Last November, voters approved term limits for the Arlington City Council. What is your opinion of these term limits?

Generally speaking and for many reasons I am in favor of term limits. It does bother me that someone cannot come back at a future date after being forced off.


2. Transportation – please respond by March 21, 2019

Please describe, including price maximums to taxpayers, your thoughts on public transportation.

I do not have enough info to quote a price. 3 times our city has turned down tax subsidized public transportation by large margins. That concept is a nonstarter. I like Via, Handitrain, and newer out of the box approaches to our problem. Consider the new “Tube” technology. Rail is problematic due to the issue of Eminent Domain and Cost.


3. Communications – please respond by March 28, 2019

If a constituent e-mails you a question or comment on an issue where you disagree and asks you for a response, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not?

Already doing that and will continue.


4. Taxes (Part I) – please respond by April 4, 2019

Currently, Arlington has 1/4-cent of sales tax that could be used, but is not used. What, if anything, do you see yourself approving to place in front of the voters, for uses for the 1/4-cent of sales tax? Why?

Your saying that we could increase our sales tax by that amount.  I do not see that happening in our present economic situation with our property owners already reeling from the onslaught of increased school taxes.  It would have to go to a vote for a specific use.  The citizens turned down a similar sales tax proposal for Johnson Creek.  The citizens are happy to pass Bond Issues as long at the scheduled payback does not increase City or sales tax.


5. Taxes (Part II) – please respond by April 11, 2019

Currently, Arlington is experiencing almost double-digit property tax evaluation increases. What do you feel is the appropriate tax rate that should be levied upon the citizens:  1) a rate a little below the rollback rate, 2) the effective tax rate, 3) the same tax rate (even if above the rollback rate), or 4) something else? Why?

The City is experiencing increase tax evaluation due to the great economy in North Texas.  The City Tax rate has been decrease to keep our taxes down and in fact City taxes in Arlingtion have gone down over the last two years.  So I would choose to still balance our budget with the income from our Entertainment District.


6. Issue – please respond by April 18, 2019

What is the most important issue the city council is facing? Why?

Poverty in our City is our number one issue.  We must do better.