Helen Moise, District 1
Sent May 25, 2022 -
Did not respond.
1. Sales Tax – please respond by March 3, 2022
In November 2020 voters passed a measure to increase the sales tax another ¼ cent to 8.25% for the funding of an Economic Development Corporation (EDC). Claims supporting this measure included helping small shops recover from the pandemic. Have they performed what was promised? What are your thoughts on the EDC's purpose, effectiveness, and the tax? Why?
Did not respond.
In 2020 she did respond to a sales tax related question:
Sales Tax – please respond by September 3, 2020
This November's ballot includes a measure to increase the sales tax another ¼ cent to 8.25%. Would you have voted to put this on the ballot? Why or why not? How do you plan to vote on this issue? Why?
I voted yes to put this on the ballot. The voters can now decide whether or not they desire to fund an Economic Development Corporation. Many cities do have EDC funds available to them and use these funds strategically to enhance aging areas of their city or to encourage future business opportunities and jobs particularly in underserved communities. The use of these funds would take a vote of council for each opportunity considered and must be tracked with the State of Texas.
2. Density – please respond by March 10, 2022
How do you feel about changing commercially zoned properties to multi-family zoned properties? What if the area already contains many, many apartments such as southeast Arlington in the Hwy 360 corridor? How do you feel about RMU (Regional Mixed Use) zoning and its potential 100 units/acre? Why?
Did not respond.
3. Transportation – please respond by March 17, 2022
VIA's funding for the past year has been covered by federal money because of the pandemic. When things return to “normal” funding, let's assume that the Federal Grant will cover approximately 25%. At that time, how should the service level and pricing structure be arranged between the general fund and riders? Why?
Did not respond.
4. Corporate Welfare – please respond by March 24, 2022
The City Council has given away millions of dollars and/or potential revenues to companies to encourage development. At what point has there been enough “encouragement” and the taxpayers, and lowering tax rates, should become a higher priority? Why?
Did not respond.
5. Communications – please respond by March 31, 2022
If a constituent emails you a question or comment on an issue about which you disagree and asks you for a response, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not?
Did not respond.
In 2020 she did respond to the question.
Communications – please respond by September 24, 2020
If a constituent e-mails you a question or comment on an issue where you disagree and asks you for a response, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not?
Yes. I do often respond to constituents who disagree with my position.
6. Issue – please respond by April 7, 2022
What is the most important issue the city council is currently facing? Why? What are your suggestions for addressing this issue?
Did not respond.
1. Term Limits Committee – please respond by August 27, 2020
A Term Limits Advisory Committee was named and fast tracked recommendations to the city council with four meetings, and over 13 hours, between July 14 – July 28. Do you have an opinion of this whole situation? Do you have an opinion of the outcome?
Very briefly I voted to convene a committee that had been on the sidelines since the term limits election in 2018. I listened to all testimony and found arguments on term and time out language were passionately presented with many options given by committee members. There was compromise obviously, but what came out of the committee does not drastically change not does it reverse the earlier election. As a city, we need to heal from this and move forward if we are to be our best selves. I have learned that almost anything I have touched since joining council requires compromise to reach consensus. This was no different.
2. Sales Tax – please respond by September 3, 2020
This November's ballot includes a measure to increase the sales tax another ¼ cent to 8.25%. Would you have voted to put this on the ballot? Why or why not? How do you plan to vote on this issue? Why?
I voted yes to put this on the ballot. The voters can now decide whether or not they desire to fund an Economic Development Corporation. Many cities do have EDC funds available to them and use these funds strategically to enhance aging areas of their city or to encourage future business opportunities and jobs particularly in underserved communities. The use of these funds would take a vote of council for each opportunity considered and must be tracked with the State of Texas.
3. Density – please respond by September 10, 2020
How do you feel about changing commercially zoned properties to multi-family zoned properties? What if the area already contains many, many apartments such as southeast Arlington in the Hwy 360 corridor? How do you feel about RMU (Regional Mixed Use) zoning and its potential 100 units/acre?
Did not respond.
4. Transportation – please respond by September 17, 2020
Via's December 2019 contract renewal has increased the geographical coverage area to 41% (and is available to 49% of the population). Meanwhile, the contract is paid 53% by Arlington taxpayers, 31% by Federal Grant, and 16% by the people taking the rides. Is this fair to the taxpayers, most of whom are not covered, but are paying 53%? How do you plan to vote on future funding? What is your solution? [the staff report: https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/481268/Staff_Report_-___MF__RK__-_FINAL.pdf].
Did not respond.
5. Communications – please respond by September 24, 2020
If a constituent e-mails you a question or comment on an issue where you disagree and asks you for a response, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not?
Yes. I do often respond to constituents who disagree with my position.
6. Issue – please respond by October 1, 2020
What is the most important issue the city council is facing? Why?
Did not respond.
1. Public Transportation (Part I) – please respond by March 8, 2018
Please describe, including price maximums, your thoughts on public transportation.
Did not respond.
2. Public Transportation (Part II) – please respond by March 15, 2018
Has the $922,500 [$600K from the federal government] VIA ride-share contract done anything to deserve to be renewed?
Did not respond.
3. Communications (Part I) – please respond by March 22, 2018
If a constituent e-mails you a question or comment, asking for a response, on an issue where you disagree, will you respond to the constituent?
Did not respond.
4. Communications (Part II) – please respond by March 29, 2018
A year and a half ago there was a $500,000,000 Rangers bond issue where there were NO town hall meetings held to explain and answer questions on the issue. This coming November there will likely be a several hundred million city bond issue again on the ballot. If elected do you plan to hold any town hall meetings on this coming election?
Did not respond.
5. Taxes (Part I) – please respond by April 5, 2018
Currently, Arlington has 1/4-cent of sales tax that could be, but is not used. What, if anything, do you see yourself approving to place in front of the voters, for that 1/4-cent of sales tax? Why?
Did not respond.
6. Taxes (Part II) – please respond by April 12, 2018
Currently, Arlington is experiencing almost double-digit property tax evaluation increases. What do you feel is the appropriate tax rate that should be levied upon the citizens, a rate a little below the rollback rate, the effective tax rate, the same tax rate (even if above the rollback rate), or something else? Why?
Did not respond.
7. Issue – please respond by April 19, 2018
What is the most important issue the city council is facing? Why?
Did not respond.